
Jaxon Blue

Warning: overload of puppy photos to follow.

Over the weekend was my puppy's first birthday. We really didn’t do much except a long walk, and I got him a giant bone and a bag of new special treats. That really was enough for him to be extremely happy. 

We got Jax last summer when he was just about 8 weeks old. I’d always thought about getting a dog, being one who grew up with a bunch of black labs. (A bunch meaning, Sam—who had puppies twice, which then we kept the last one of the last liter—Ed.) So I’ve pretty much always been a dog person. 

Living in my little apartment, I could hardly even keep a plant alive. So, I was nervous about the responsibilities of having a dog on my own. My friend Carla, dove in and got me a fish for my birthday one year. Let’s say it was a bit of a practice trial run to see if I could hold up to the responsibility. Sad to say that fish wasn’t with us very long (RIP—…[I forgot his name].)

Anyway.. (years later after the fish) we just decided to go for it. I found a Weimaranar breeder in Rochester, took a road trip, and managed to bring home Jax (or, Jaxon Blue) on July 31, 2014. 

He’s changed my life, for the very best. He’s brought so much joy and entertainment to the every day. And aside from that, has brought some routine and structure to my life (as someone who works freelance often needs), let alone the responsibility of keeping him alive, healthy and happy. 

He is a truly amazing puppy. And in fact, will always be a puppy at heart. He’s full of energy, he’s strong and stubborn. He’s active, but lazy, and the best cuddle buddy ever. He has no sense of personal space and often thinks he is still a little tiny puppy or a lap dog.

Jax, you are amazing. You have changed my life and have taught me so much. I can’t wait for all of our new life adventures together.

As if this wasn't enough puppy photos to look at, I’ve kept a blog since we first got Jax, and I continue to update almost daily.